Australian High Commission

Launching of Tracer Study for Australian Government development scholarship awardees

Launching of Tracer Study for Australian Government development scholarship awardees

On Thursday the 19 July South Asia Scholarships Program (SASP) on the behalf of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) launched a study for tracking the progress and contribution of Australian development scholars. The event held at Westin hotel was attended by Mark Bailey, Counsellor and Amanda Jennings, Second Secretary, AusAID. Around 50 alumni selected to undertake the tracer survey attended the event.

The tracer study will assist AusAID to understand the impact of development scholarships and inform improvements in the program for the future.

During the event, Mark Bailey spoke of the importance of undertaking this survey which will build a comprehensive picture of the impact of the development scholarships program in Bangladesh. He also asked the alumni present to register their details in the website and encouraged others who studied in Australia through Australian Government scholarships to also register.
AusAID is establishing an alumni network for recipients of Australia Awards (Development Awards). The network will provide opportunities to link people with similar Australian experiences.

The Australian Government has supported citizens of Bangladesh to study in Australia since 1970s. Many hundreds of scholars benefitted from these opportunities and returned to Bangladesh to contribute to its continued development.

A website ( has been developed where Australian development scholars can register their details. The alumni website can also be accessed through the SASP website at:

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
19 July 2012

For further information please contact:
Senior Research and Communications Officer, AHC Dhaka
Tel: 8813105 (497), Mobile: 01711 880205
E-mail: [email protected]