Australian High Commission

Australia congratulates Bangladesh’s Independence and National Day

Australia congratulates Bangladesh’s Independence and National Day

The following is a message from the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Stephen Smith, congratulating Bangladesh on its Independence and National Day. The message was conveyed to the Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra.

“March 26 marks the 39th anniversary of Bangladesh’s Independence and National Day.

Australia was the first developed country to recognise Bangladesh's Independence in 1971. Since our mission was established in Dhaka in 1972, Australia and Bangladesh have enjoyed a friendship with interests that continue to deepen and diversify.

Our long-standing relationship with Bangladesh is grounded in democratic traditions; shared values; and common global interests, including climate change and security. Our commercial and trade relationship is also growing. In 2009, our bilateral merchandise trade was valued at over A$550 million – an increase of 55 per cent from the previous year.

Australia has been providing development assistance to Bangladesh since the 1970s and remains a committed development partner of Bangladesh. Our development assistance is focused on supporting Bangladesh’s efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the areas of health, education and combating extreme poverty. In 2009-10, Australia’s total aid program to Bangladesh is estimated at A$61.2 million.

Australia and Bangladesh share a commitment to enhancing regional and global security. This was signified in December 2008, when both countries signed a landmark bilateral Memorandum of Understanding on Counter-Terrorism Cooperation.

Our people-to-people links continue to expand. We welcome the growing Bangladesh community and the valued contribution it makes to Australian society. There are currently around 6,000 Bangladeshi students in Australia. Cricket remains a passion shared by both countries and we look forward to Bangladesh co-hosting the ICC World Cup games in 2011.

Australia and Bangladesh enjoy close regional cooperation, including through regional and multilateral institutions such as the United Nations; the Commonwealth; the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; the ASEAN Regional Forum; and the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation.

On Bangladesh’s Independence and National Day, we take the opportunity to recognise the friendship and close cooperation that exists between our two countries. We look forward to a further deepening of Australia-Bangladesh relations.”

The Governor General of Australia, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC, has also written to the Honourable President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, His Excellency Mr Zillur Rahman, formally conveying the Australian Government’s congratulations on Bangladesh’s Independence Day.

Australian High Commission, Dhaka
25 March 2010
For further information please contact:
Senior Research and Communications Officer
Australian High Commission, Dhaka.
Tel: 8813105, E-mail: [email protected]